CASETiFY 與 POP MART 泡泡瑪特首次合作,推出 DIMOO 聯名系列。並在台北信義香堤廣場限時打造「DIMOO WORLD x CASETiFY 夢境奇幻樂園」快閃體驗空間。 ( 托可生活誌TALKace )
CASETiFY collaborates with POP MART for the first time to launch the DIMOO collection. A limited-time "DIMOO WORLD x CASETiFY Dreamland Fantasy Park" pop-up experience is being held at Xinyi Xiangti Plaza in Taipei.
西門町商圈打造成專屬於POP MART的遊樂場。捷運六號出口外,最大亮點就是超過800公尺高的POP MART聖誕樹。此外還有各種不同POP MART角色在西門町角落。 ( WalkerLand )
Ximending has been transformed into a playground dedicated to POP MART. The main highlight is a towering POP MART Christmas tree over 8 meters tall, located outside Exit 6 of the MRT station. Additionally, various POP MART characters can be spotted throughout the corners of Ximending.
義大利知名牛仔褲品牌 DIESEL,以高品質與前衛設計聞名全球,展現叛逆與自由的品牌精神,成為時尚界的永恆標誌。今年在台北信義 A11,開設全新的概念快閃店。 ( POPO筆記 )
The renowned Italian denim brand DIESEL, famous worldwide for its high-quality and avant-garde designs, embodies a rebellious and free-spirited brand ethos, making it an enduring icon in the fashion industry. This year, DIESEL launched a new concept pop-up store at Taipei’s Xinyi A11.
韓國設計師品牌 MATIN KIM,許多韓星們喜愛,到訪韓國必逛品牌。於11月底在台北南西商圈開幕。( Vogue )
The Korean designer brand MATIN KIM, a favorite among many Korean celebrities and a must-visit for tourists in Korea, opened its store in Taipei’s Nanxi shopping district at the end of November.
東京最強早午餐品牌「MERCER BRUNCH」於台北民生社區開幕。不用飛日本就能吃到柔軟綿密的法式吐司。( ETtoday )
Tokyo’s top brunch brand “MERCER BRUNCH” has opened in Taipei’s Minsheng Community. Now, you can enjoy soft and fluffy French toast without flying to Japan.
CHARLES & KEITH 與法國質感品牌 BLVCK Paris 合作,以純黑極簡設計為主。秉持著超越傳統規範的理念,重新演繹現實主義。並於信義遠百、板橋大遠百及台中遠百開立門市。( Blvck Paris Taiwan FB粉專 )
CHARLES & KEITH has collaborated with the premium French brand BLVCK Paris to showcase a pure black minimalist design. Upholding the philosophy of transcending traditional norms, the collaboration reinterprets realism. Stores have been opened in Xinyi Far Eastern Department Store, Banqiao Mega City, and Taichung Far Eastern Department Store.
昇恆昌內湖旗艦店推出的 COACH 快閃聯名咖啡廳。融合了時尚與咖啡文化,更設計了滿滿聖誕佈置。商品還推出了 COACH 聯名限定菜單,像是 Coach 馬車拿鐵及聖誕節蛋糕。( Yahoo 新聞 )
The Ever Rich Neihu flagship store has launched a COACH pop-up collaboration café, blending fashion with coffee culture and featuring festive Christmas decorations. The café also offers an exclusive COACH-themed menu, including the Coach Carriage Latte and Christmas cake.
Sogo BR4 精品龍頭的 Louis Vuitton 改裝。全店共計三層樓的空間,除了更大量的藝術品於店內呈現外,品牌更擴大了男女鞋履的專區。( Bella.tw儂儂 )
The flagship Louis Vuitton store at Sogo BR4 has been renovated. Spanning three floors, the revamped store features a greater display of artworks and an expanded dedicated section for men’s and women’s footwear.
來自韓國的戶外潮流品牌 National Geographic Apparel 。於台北信義區微風南山 1 樓戶外廣場打造「全境探險之旅」沉浸式體驗活動。精心打造的三大情境區域—寒冷雪地、潮流都市與戶外自然,邀請大家化身探險家。 ( Vintage 富豪人生 )
The Korean outdoor lifestyle brand National Geographic Apparel has created an immersive experience event, “Explore the World Adventure,” at the outdoor plaza on the first floor of Breeze Nanshan in Taipei’s Xinyi District. The event features three meticulously designed themed zones—Snowy Terrain, Urban Trends, and Outdoor Nature—inviting everyone to step into the role of an explorer.
DON DON DONKI 全台第六家分店,將在桃園統領開設。門市規劃了全台最大的文具專區。還推出限定商品「烤地瓜冰淇淋」,日本烤地瓜搭配北海道牛奶。( Marie Claire )
DON DON DONKI is set to open its sixth store in Taiwan at Taoyuan’s Tonlin Department Store. The new branch will feature the largest stationery section in Taiwan. It will also introduce an exclusive product, “Roasted Sweet Potato Ice Cream,” combining Japanese roasted sweet potato with Hokkaido milk.
來自韓國的人氣設計師包款 DIERNEAS 將在台北中山商圈開設台灣首間實體店。品牌經典的手提包、肩包,讓韓國藝人 Red Velvet 的 Wendy、金惠奫、朴信惠成為愛好者。 ( Bella.tw儂儂 )
The popular Korean designer bag brand DIERNEAS is set to open its first physical store in Taiwan, located in Taipei’s Zhongshan shopping district. The brand’s iconic handbags and shoulder bags have gained a following among Korean celebrities such as Red Velvet’s Wendy, Kim Hye-yoon, and Park Shin-hye.
法國香氛品牌 Diptyque 2012年來台開快閃店。於今年首家旗艦店開在台北101。內還設有貴賓休息室。( Vogue )
The French fragrance brand Diptyque opened a pop-up store in Taiwan in 2012. This year, its first flagship store was opened in Taipei 101, which also features a VIP lounge.
LOTSYOU 為韓國時尚品牌,以年輕且個性的風格為主。設計理念源自 90 年代的復古風格,使用蓬鬆的尼龍材質和懷舊質感。目前台灣台北及台中兩家選物店販售。 ( Marais 瑪黑家居選物 FB粉專 )
LOTSYOU is a Korean fashion brand that focuses on youthful and distinctive styles. Its design concept is inspired by retro trends of the 1990s, incorporating puffy nylon materials and vintage textures. Currently, it is available in two select shops located in Taipei and Taichung, Taiwan.
台灣首間永續百貨 House of Story Wear 在台北大稻埕開幕,全新零售模式,集結國內外的永續時尚選品,還融入租賃、修繕服務與二手書交換。 ( Tatler )
House of Story Wear, Taiwan's first sustainable department store, has opened in Taipei's Dadaocheng. This innovative retail model combines sustainable fashion selections from both local and international sources with rental, repair services, and second-hand book exchange.
Topo Designs 為 2008 成立於美國的戶外用品品牌。致力於設計耐用、多功能且時尚的產品,將戶外活動無縫融入日常生活。產品涵蓋背包、服飾和配件等,並堅持在美國本土手工生產,確保產品品質與耐用性。目前在中和環球百貨開設快閃店。 ( Topo Designs Taiwan FB粉專 )
Topo Designs is an outdoor gear brand founded in 2008 in the United States. It focuses on designing durable, versatile, and stylish products that seamlessly integrate outdoor activities into everyday life. Its product range includes backpacks, apparel, and accessories, all handcrafted in the U.S. to ensure quality and durability. The brand currently operates a pop-up store in Zhonghe Global Mall.
台北統一阪急2F開設福爾摩斯密室逃脫。共有四個關卡,闖關成功還有拍貼機可以拍。 ( Yahoo 新聞 )
A Sherlock Holmes-themed escape room has opened on the 2nd floor of Taipei Hankyu Uni-President. It features four levels, and upon successfully completing the challenges, visitors can take photos at a sticker photo booth.
Van Cleef & Arpels 梵克雅寶攜手法國插畫藝術家 Charlotte Gastaut,於微風信義廣場旗艦店外牆打造充滿童話的氛圍。( Vintage 富豪人生 )
Van Cleef & Arpels collaborates with French illustrator Charlotte Gastaut to create a fairytale-inspired atmosphere on the exterior wall of its flagship store at Breeze Xinyi Plaza.
台北101觀景台推出「夢想高飛」特展。有日本大谷翔平紀念球,台灣陳金鋒與王建民的簽名球、球衣、帽子及第一張出賽表,讓展覽增添棒球傳奇風采。 ( TAIPEI 101 MALL 台北 101 購物中心 FB粉專 )
Taipei 101 Observatory presents the “Dreams Take Flight” exhibition, featuring a commemorative ball of Japan’s Shohei Ohtani, as well as autographed baseballs, jerseys, caps, and the debut lineup cards of Taiwan’s Chen Chin-Feng and Chien-Ming Wang, adding a touch of baseball legend to the exhibition.
新光三越 A11 5F 改裝。打造全台最齊全戶外用品專區。超過 55 個品牌,8 間全台獨家、7 間旗艦大店攜手進駐。 ( 戶外風格誌 )
Shin Kong Mitsukoshi A11 5th floor has been renovated to create Taiwan’s most comprehensive outdoor gear section. It features over 55 brands, including 8 Taiwan-exclusive stores and 7 flagship stores.
隨著 Outdoor 風潮在全球流行,機能性與美學的結合。國際運動精品 FILA 與日本生活品牌 slower 聯名。以運動為基礎融入慢活美學,推出 Outdoor 系列。 ( 玩家誌 )
As the Outdoor trend gains global popularity, blending functionality and aesthetics, the international sportswear brand FILA collaborates with Japanese lifestyle brand slower. Combining sports with slow-living aesthetics, they launch the Outdoor series.