Trudon 創立於 1643 年法國一家蠟燭與香料的小店,以手工製作和高品質的天然材料著稱,傳承法國傳統製蠟工藝,強調無煙燃燒的純淨性與環保理念,並成為供應法國皇室和凡爾賽宮的御用蠟燭品牌,至今是全球歷史最悠久的蠟燭品牌之一。( Trudon 官網 )
Trudon was established in 1643 as a small candle and spice shop in France. Known for its handcrafted production and high-quality natural materials, Trudon carries on the tradition of French candle-making, emphasizing smoke-free burning for purity and environmental sustainability. It eventually became the official candle supplier for the French royal court and the Palace of Versailles, and today remains one of the oldest candle brands in the world.
2024新北耶誕城即將從11月中開始。今年的主題為「魔幻之城」,整體活動以「變裝」為主,帶來多達50個打卡裝置。( BAZAAR )
The 2024 New Taipei Christmasland is set to begin in mid-November. This year’s theme is “Enchanted City,” with a focus on “costume transformations,” featuring up to 50 photo-worthy installations.
Moumou 漢堡是一家源自日本的知名漢堡品牌,其獨特的日式漢堡風格和優質食材而聞名。目前台灣共兩家門市,一家位於 #微風 南山店另一家在台南新光三越西門店。
Moumou Burger is a well-known Japanese burger brand, famous for its unique Japanese-style burgers and high-quality ingredients. Currently, there are two locations in Taiwan: one at Breeze Nanshan in Taipei and another at the Tainan Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Ximen store.
HUNDR.以簡約和功能性設計而聞名的韓國品牌。該品牌獨特地將半導體技術融入其服裝中,使服裝能夠適應溫度變化。這種實用性與創新的結合使其深受注重時尚的顧客的歡迎。在台灣門市位於台微風南山和大直美麗華影城。( Marie Claire )
HUNDR. is a Korean brand known for minimalist and functional designs. The brand uniquely integrates semiconductor technology into its clothing, allowing garments to adjust to temperature changes. This combination of practicality and innovation makes it popular among style-conscious customers. In Taiwan, HUNDR. stores are located at Breeze Nanshan and Miramar Cinemas Dazhi in Taipei.
AMIRI 是來自美國洛杉磯的街頭奢華品牌。品牌結合搖滾、街頭風格和精緻剪裁著稱,深受年輕潮流人士和名人喜愛。目前在台灣門市位於信義微風、台中新光三越和高雄漢神巨蛋,最新將開在新光三越A9。( 新光三越 台北信義新天地FB粉專 )
AMIRI is a luxury streetwear brand from Los Angeles, USA. Known for combining rock, street style, and refined tailoring, it is popular among young trendsetters and celebrities. In Taiwan, AMIRI stores are located at Breeze Xinyi in Taipei, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi in Taichung, and Hanshin Arena in Kaohsiung, with a new location opening soon at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi A9.
BEAMS 創立於1976年日本的時尚與生活風格品牌。經常與其他知名品牌合作推出聯名款,並以其獨特的風格和品味吸引不同年齡層的消費者。於今年首次進駐台南新光三越新天地。( BEAMS TaiwanFB粉專 )
BEAMS, founded in 1976 in Japan, is a fashion and lifestyle brand known for its unique style and diverse collaborations with renowned brands. This approach has made it popular among consumers of all ages. Recently, BEAMS made its debut in Tainan with a store opening in the SKM Tainan.
永心鳳茶旗下「浪際」於高雄大港倉七庫開幕。攜手Bito旗下Bitween創造前衛沉浸體驗,打造早咖晚食夜酒場域。( MOT TIMES 明日誌 )
Langji," a brand under Yongxin Feng Tea, has opened at Seven Warehouse in Dagang, Kaohsiung. In collaboration with Bitween, a subsidiary of Bito, they are creating an avant-garde immersive experience, establishing a venue for morning coffee, evening meals, and nighttime drinks.
韓國品牌 MFG (My Favorite Gear) 在台北東區開首間旗艦店。品牌以簡約、經典的設計風格微主,並強調質感與實穿性。( POPO筆記 )
The Korean brand MFG (My Favorite Gear) has opened its first flagship store in Taipei's Eastern District. Known for its minimalist and classic design style, the brand emphasizes quality and wearability.
全智賢最愛韓國「BHC炸雞」台灣首店在大巨蛋開幕。預計將再開十間門市。( ELLE )
Jun Ji-hyun’s favorite Korean brand “BHC Chicken” has opened its first store in Taiwan at the Taipei Dome, with plans to open ten more locations.
無印良品(MUJI)與Gogoro合作推出聯名電動機車,設計上由日本知名設計師深澤直人操刀,注重簡約美學。合作車款以大地色系為主,並推出搭配的安全帽、置杯袋等配件,成功結合無印風格的簡約實用性,受到年輕消費者的歡迎。( 網路溫度計DailyView )
MUJI collaborated with Gogoro to launch a series of co-branded electric scooters. Designed by Naoto Fukasawa, the scooters feature simple, earthy color schemes that reflect MUJI’s minimalist style. Accompanying accessories, like helmets and cup holders, match the vehicle’s aesthetic, attracting a younger, environmentally-conscious audience.
奢侈品牌若想訴說自己的故事,除了透過每季的服裝作品之外,還可以精裝書呈現。將歷史或最輝煌的時刻紀錄,能將自己的故事表述的更完整,甚至還能擴大影響力,強化顧客對品牌的認同感。( Wazaiii )
If luxury brands want to tell their story, they can do so not only through seasonal clothing collections but also through beautifully crafted books. By documenting their history or most glorious moments, they can present their story more comprehensively and even expand their influence, strengthening customers’ sense of connection with the brand.
國際運動品牌 FILA 攜手台灣首個登上韓國舞台的女團GENBLUE。推出限量聯名系列,如:個性的長袖帽TEE、寬長褲、韓版棒球帽及限定版DISRUPTOR 2老爹鞋。將 FILA 經典復古風華與 GENBLUE 的青春活力完美結合。( GIRLSTALK )
International sports brand FILA has teamed up with GENBLUE, Taiwan’s first girl group to perform on a Korean stage, to launch a limited-edition collaboration series. The collection includes items such as stylish long-sleeve hoodies, wide-leg pants, Korean-style baseball caps, and a special edition of the DISRUPTOR 2 sneakers. This collaboration perfectly combines FILA’s classic retro elegance with GENBLUE’s youthful energy.
The Korean sneaker brand East Pacific Trade (EPT) has opened a pop-up store in Taiwan’s Zhongshan shopping district. In addition to sneakers, the store also offers apparel items such as T-shirts, baseball caps, and hoodies. The brand has also collaborated with the popular café Lille M. Cafe & Restaurant to launch exclusive desserts.
( ETtoday )
Taiwan’s first 8-meter-tall “Alien Christmas Tree” has been unveiled at Mitsui Outlet Park in Linkou. Inside the mall, characters from Disney’s Monsters, Inc., Toy Story, and Inside Out 2 come together to create a playful and magical setting.
因疫情緣故,日本北海道起司塔Bake Cheese Tart撤櫃。3年重返台灣,在統一時代百貨 Uni-President Department Store開幕。( 57東森財經新聞 )
Due to the pandemic, BAKE Cheese Tart from Hokkaido, Japan, closed its stores. After three years, it has returned to Taiwan, opening at Uni-President Department Store.
法國香氛品牌 Atelier Cologne,以柑橘調香聞名。在台灣東區開亞洲首間旗艦店。
( Marie Claire )
The French fragrance brand Atelier Cologne, renowned for its citrus-based scents, has opened its first flagship store in Asia in Taiwan’s Eastern District.
Mardi Mercredi, a popular Korean brand, has opened a flagship store in Taipei's East District. The flagship store continues Korea's modern design style and offers a range of products including women's apparel, a sports collection, and Taiwan-exclusive children's clothing. Currently, there are also stores in Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Taichung and Taipei Nanxi, bringing Taiwanese consumers a fresh shopping experience and a vibrant street fashion vibe.
The French brand Maison Kitsuné was founded in 2002 by French music producer Gildas Loaëc and Japanese architect Masaya Kuroki. The brand’s design style combines French elegance with Japanese minimalism, and its iconic fox logo frequently appears on its apparel, making it a favorite among young fashion enthusiasts. In November, the brand opened a store in the Far Eastern Sogo Zhongxiao branch. The store features a retro-inspired space with vibrant colors and showcases an exclusive autumn-winter collection.
日本人氣的「GBO萬代官方扭蛋專賣店」首次跨足雙北地區,於新莊宏匯廣場開二號店。店內270面扭蛋機台,從經典卡通、動漫角色到可愛生活用品都有。( WalkerLand )
Japan’s popular “GBO Bandai Official Gashapon Store” has expanded into the Greater Taipei area for the first time, opening its second store at Honhui Plaza in Xinzhuang. The store features 270 gashapon machines offering a wide range of items, from classic cartoons and anime characters to adorable everyday goods.
永豐餘藉從荷蘭引進 Wikkelhouse 全循環屋進行台灣首展。還有親子活動與週末市集,並邀請人氣歌手樂團演出。讓永續不再只是口號,更是走入生活的實踐行動。
( ShoppingDesign )
YFY (Yuen Foong Yu) introduced the Wikkelhouse, a fully recyclable house from the Netherlands, in its first exhibition in Taiwan. The event also features family-friendly activities, weekend markets, and live performances by popular singers and bands. It aims to make sustainability not just a slogan but a tangible practice integrated into everyday life.
台北統一時代百貨今年聖誕造景,打造「倫敦」主題打卡點,帶來超華麗 13 米高聖誕樹。還有飛行掃帚遊樂設施。( 上報Up Media )
Taipei’s Uni-Ustyle Department Store has created a “London” themed display for this year’s Christmas decorations, featuring a stunning 13-meter-tall Christmas tree. The installation also includes a flying broomstick ride for added fun.